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Questions tagged [tag-synonyms]

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Synonyms for term/terminal/term-mode and ansi-term

term and terminal had verbatim identical tag wikis, so they clearly are intended to be used as synonyms. I think term-mode is also a synonym, as I can't think of a situation where a question would ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Make [rg] a synonym of [ripgrep]?

While the actual amount of ripgrep/rg questions is currently rather low (1 exlusive rg, 1 exclusive ripgrep, 1 tagged with both), we should probably nip the usage of both in the bud and make one of ...
Zeta's user avatar
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A daemon in invisible chains

When I try to propose the synonym daemon for emacs-daemon by entering daemon on the synonyms page for 'emacs-daemon, it fails with the following error message: Failed to propose synonym: A synonym ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
16 votes
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Proposing a tag synonym for org-mode <-- org

There are currently 36 questions tagged with org, all of which, as far as I can tell, refer to org-mode, which already has a tag org-mode with 1,421 questions. Can we synonymize the two?
Ryan's user avatar
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Should we kill or yank some copy-paste tags?

We have multiple tags about copy-paste, I mean about killing and yanking. Should some of them be synonyms? Should some of them be renamed, deleted, or disambiguated? killing (5): only used on ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Propose [pairing] be defined as pair programming

In my experience "pairing" is used colloquially to refer to pair programming and I suggest that this is the presumptive meaning in the context of Emacs. Current [pairing] usage: 2/5 about pair ...
ebpa's user avatar
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Tag synonyms for emacsclient

I noticed some inconsistencies in the way the server tag is being used, sometimes in reference to using Emacs as an edit-server, and sometimes in reference to other kinds of servers. It also may be ...
Tyler's user avatar
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4 answers

retire [colors] tag?

A recent question came up using the colors tag. Right now, there are only 10 questions with this tag, and they mostly seem to refer either to faces or font-lock. The colors tag seems ripe for ...
Dan's user avatar
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Synonym of ess tags? Any better way to ask?

As far as I can see, the ess equals the emacs-speaks-statistics tag. Could you make one a synonym for the other? Furthermore, is this the only way for me to ask that question since I don't have ...
sebschub's user avatar
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Remove the 'init' tag? [duplicate]

So I found this init tag, and it does not have a tag wiki, and only one follower. It seems to be a synonym of init-file. Should we merge them, or is there some other use for this tag at the moment?
Asad-ullah Khan's user avatar
6 votes
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Should we merge the tags for package repositories?

We have a handful of tags related to package repositories. There's elpa, repositories, melpa, and marmalade. How do we feel about this?
Malabarba's user avatar
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Can someone define .emacs as a synonym of init-file?

As previously discussed, I recently took the time to convert all dotemacs tags to init-file. Now we have 2 questions tagged with .emacs. Instead of retagging the questions I figured we should suggest ...
Malabarba's user avatar
  • 23.3k
7 votes
3 answers

Do we want copy-paste, or kill-yank?

Surprisingly, we have 5 copy-paste questions, and only 3 yank questions (no kill though). We should consolidate them. Which version do we prefer? copy-paste or kill-yank? copy-yank? copy-kill-yank? ...
Malabarba's user avatar
  • 23.3k
11 votes
5 answers

Would we prefer [dotemacs], [.emacs], [init.el] or [init-file]?

Obviously, we only need a single tag referring to the init file. Currently, there are several questions using dotemacs (which is a fine name), and one using init (which is less fine, but it might be ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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