To prevent confusion, facilitate search, etc., would a moderator please replace (add synonym, then merge appropriately) the tag killing with the better name killing-text?

"Killing" in Emacs can also refer to killing a buffer or killing a process, and it might even be (incorrectly) used for deleting a window, frame, etc.

For instance, this question, about killing processes, used tag killing (I removed it): Elpy: how to stop the underlying "py.exe" process?

The tag needed is killing-text, for killing text. If there is ever a need for other "killing" tags they can be added later.

1 Answer 1


Done. I've chosen kill-text instead of killing-text for consistency because we had a couple of other tags that started as kill-XXXXX.

  • Good. Thanks, Dan.
    – Drew
    Commented Apr 13, 2020 at 15:04

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