I've noticed a common theme in questions that are really about how to debug user init files. Examples:
- "S" key throws error in Evil mode normal state
- Certain symbols resulting in really tall line (and cursor)
- Emacs keeps highlighting the word 'fix' in every context - how do I turn it off?
And likely many others. I'm wondering if we should have a default FAQ or something to link to if the question seems to be actually focused on how to debug emacs init files as a whole, and not necessarily related to the specific problem they are asking about.
Topics that might be useful would be:
emacs --debug-init
emacs -Q
- minimal init files with package initialization to use with
emacs -Q -l minimal-init.el
- how to selectively load new packages into the minimal init until the problem re-appears.
I think it might be useful to tag questions like this with debug-init and possibly add the default answer on the tag help?
I realize that init-file is already covering some of this, but seems more targeted at questions like Emacs won't load theme on startup, then the examples above?